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33% of Germany's land is arable.

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Q: What percent of Germany's land is arable?
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The Philippines has a total land area of 299,404 square kilometers or approximately 30 million hectares. Around 33 percent of the total land area is arable. That translates to 9.3 million hectares of arable land. A hectare is 10,000 square meters.

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In Mexico, land uses include as arable land, for permanent crops, and all other uses like pasture or meadows. The percentage of each is arable land is 12.98 percent, permanent crops is 1.36 percent, and for all other uses it is 85.66 percent.

What percentage of Earth's land is inhospitibable?

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How much arable land is there in Romania?

Approx. 40 % of arable land.