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Around 2/3s of school shootings are caused by bullying... 67%. Over half basically.

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Q: What percent of school shootings is caused by bullying?
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What do school shootings have to do with bullying?

putting aside those cloack and weapon type of mentality in the shootings, bulling have been a cause in the past for a weaker student to bring his father gun and shooting the bullies during break period.

What has more influence on shootings Bullying or Video Games?

People say that Video Games are the main cause of shooting but with a little research it shows that bullying is a main factor of shootings not video games. Some people say that if you play a certain amount of time of games for so long you will be encouraged to do a shooting. A person goes on about how Video games these days are violent and are brainwashing the youth of today. I am an 18 year old teen in high school and I play video games and i have friends and i haven't shot up a school I believe that it is bullying that causes shootings because i have been bullied since elementary school. All in all video games are more educational than influencing people to kill.

What are the most common questions asked about Bullying?

The most common questions asked about Bullying are: "What is school bullying? What are the consequences of school bullying? What can a school community do about bullying? What can teachers do about classroom bullying? What can students do about school bullying? What can parents of young children do about school bullying? What can parents of teens do about school bullying? What can community partners do about school bullying? How can a caring adult work with a bully? How can a school community promote an anti-bullying climate? What is cyber bullying? What can parents do to promote safe use of the internet?"

What can be done to limit the incidence of bullying at school?

I think that to limit the incidence of bullying at school there could be a whole school assembly talking about the affects of bullying and true life stories? This way it could show the bullies what pain and hurt is caused by bullying but I also feel that there is no proper way to stop bullying as there are some cruel people in this world who make their own decisions however there are websites you can go on and you can talk to adults as well STOP BULLYING

Why are weapons dangerous on school campus?

School shootings, ect.

What state has the most school shootings?

earl Wooster high school.

Is there school bullying in catholic schools?

i attend a catholic school and in my school there is no real bullying. if there is it is not tolerated! that is just my school though and the bigger school you get im sure there is more of a chance of bullying happening.

How often do school shootings happen?

That depends if the school is filled with troublemakers about everyday.

A good title for school shootings?

Assuming the title required is for a paper or report or even an article on School Shootings, several possible titles are: Case Files Down The Barrel: The School Shooting Tragedies

How many students were killed in the Columbine HS shootings in 1999?

12 students were killed in the Columbine High School shootings in 1999.

Is cyberbullying the cause of school shootings?

It has been in some cases.