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I am so sorry I cant answer your original question. But I know Every 30 seconds a teenager commits suicide around the world.

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Approximately 1.8% of teens in the US have reported attempting suicide in the past year. It is important to note that suicide is a complex issue with various contributing factors. If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek help from a mental health professional or contact a crisis hotline for support.

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Q: What percent of teens commit suicide in the US?
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What is the percentage of troubled teens, in the US, that go to boarding schools during their high school years?

It is difficult to provide an exact percentage as data varies, but it is estimated that a small percentage of troubled teens in the US attend boarding schools during their high school years. Boarding schools can be an option for families seeking a structured and supportive environment for their teens who may be facing challenges.

Why are teens so annoying?

Teenagers are going through a period of significant physical, emotional, and social development which can lead to unpredictable behavior. They may be testing boundaries, seeking independence, or struggling with hormonal changes. It's important to remember that this phase is temporary and part of their transition to adulthood.

How many people tobacco in US?

Cigarette Smoking StatisticsIn the United States, an estimated 25.9 million men (23.9 percent) and 20.7 million women (18.1 percent) are smokers. These people are at higher risk of heart attack and stroke. The latest estimates for persons age 18 and older show...* * Among non-Hispanic whites, 24.0 percent of men and 20.0 percent of women smoke (2004). * Among non-Hispanic blacks, 26.7 percent of men and 17.3 percent of women smoke. * Among Hispanics, 21.1 percent of men and 11.1 percent of women smoke. * Among Asians (only), 20.6 percent of men and 6.1 percent of women smoke. * Among American Indians/Alaska Natives, 37.5 percent of men and 26.8 percent of women smoke. * Studies show that smoking prevalence is higher among those who had earned a GED diploma (43.2 percent) and among those with 9-11 years of education (32.6 percent) compared with those with more than 16 years of education (7.1 percent). It's highest among persons living below the poverty level (29.9 percent). * National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), 2005, National Center for Health Statistics Related AHA publications: * Heart and Stroke Facts * Heart disease and Stroke Statistics Update

Why do teens go under the influence of peer pressure?

Teens often succumb to peer pressure due to a desire to fit in, gain social acceptance, or avoid rejection from their peers. Additionally, adolescents are at a stage of development where they are seeking independence and exploring their identities, and may feel pressure to conform to group norms.

Since Jesus knew his actions would lead to his death it was a form of suicide - so why is suicide a sin?

Suicide is considered a sin in many religions because it involves taking one's own life, which is seen as interfering with the natural course of life and death. It is believed that life is a gift from a higher power and should not be ended prematurely. Additionally, suicide can cause pain and suffering to loved ones left behind.