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The GOP lost the Hispanic vote after Ronald Reagan pushed for amnesty.

Reagan 1980: 35% Hispanic vote
Reagan 1984: 37% Hispanic vote
Amnesty bill passed 1986
Bush 1988: 30% Hispanic vote
Bush 1992: 25%

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Q: What percent of the Hispanic vote did Ronald Reagan gain for the GOP through amnesty?
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Related questions

Did Ronald Reagan approve amnesty?

Yes he did approve amnesty during his term.

What year did Reagan implement the amnesty program?


How many presidents have granted amnesty to illegal immigrants?

Ronald Reagan signed an bill in 1986 which gave amnesty to certain illegal aliens if they satisfied certain conditions. I think that was the only amnesty act passed by Congress. Barack Obama has granted an informal amnesty to certain illegal immigrants who do not cause any trouble.

What presidents granted amnesty and to who?

President Ronald Reagan, 1986

What president gave illegals amnesty in the 80s?

Ronald Reagan signed an act of Congress in 1984 which gave amnesty to certain illegal immigrants if they complied with a list of conditions.

President who appointed first Hispanic cabinet member?

Lauro Cavazos was appointed in 1988 by Ronald Reagan

What gains did minorities have when Reagan was president?

A: He gave amnesty to undocumented immigrants in 1986, but on the other hand he also made dubious remarks about "welfare queens".

What year did Ronald Reagan pass the amnesty?

Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. The act made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants, required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status, and granted amnesty to approximately 3 million illegal immigrants who entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982 and had lived in the country continuously.

What president is credited with starting the observance to recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the US?

Lyndon Johnson, in 1968, signed legislation establishing Hispanic Heritage Week. (This was expanded to a month during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, in 1988.)

How did Ronald Reagan help immigrants?

President Ronald Reagan signed that bill into law with great fanfare amid promises that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants, crack down on employers who hired illegal workers and secure the border once and for all. President Ronald Reagan approved this "path to citizenship" amnesty in 1986.

Amnesty for illegal Aliens in US 1986?

A failed program that President Ronald Reagan signed into law that gave amnesty (or made legal) approximately 3 million illegal aliens. Reagan signed the bill with the hope that the borders would be controlled and that no amnesty would ever be granted again. Unfortunately, the borders were not secured, and currently over 10 million foreign nationals illegally reside and most of them illegally work in the U.S. today. And, once again, politicians, especially Democrats and corporate Republicans are suggesting that another amnesty is needed for those illegal aliens that are otherwise law-abiding residents in the U.S. Those who oppose amnesty simply ask - what is the purpose of immigration laws, passports, visas, ports of entry, customs, borders, Rule of Law, etc..... If millions of people entering the US have been and are going to continue to violate these controls?

Did Ronald Reagan give amnesty to the Mexicans?

It wasn't only Mexicans, but people from all over the world. Reagan felt that if people had lived in this country, had families, worked, stayed out of jail, etc. then they were living the American dream. Our nation was founded by immigrants. Only Native Americans can claim to be 100% Americans.