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Probably all of them.

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Q: What percentage of Italians speak Italian?
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Do italians speak a type of Norman language?

No, Italians speak a Romance language called Italian.

What percent of Italians speak Italian?

Basically all Italians speak Italian from what i know and researched

Why did Italians have to speak italian?

Italians didn't have to speak Italian, just as English people didn't have to speak English. They spoke these languages because the language developed in their area naturally.

What are the languages that Italians speak and what are the percentages?

Italian , 95%

What percentage of Italians in Italy speaks English?

We do not know every second there is anothere baby being born, maybe there are babies who do and do not speak Italian so there you have it !!!!

What percent of the US population speaks Italian?

Approximately 0.3% of the US population speaks Italian as their primary language. Italian is not as widely spoken in the US compared to other languages like Spanish or Chinese.

What percentage of the total population in Australia is Italian?

It is estimated that 1.6% of Australians speak Italian regularly, but this does not take into account the number of people with Italian ancestry. A greater breakdown of Italians in each state can be found at the related link below.

What percentage of People in Italy speak Italian?

As a mother language about 70 million speak Italian As a Cultural language about 110 million speak Italian Giving a total of 180 million, with a world population of 6,700,000,000 This comes out at about 2.7% of the worlds population. More information is available on the link below

What are the percentages of Italians that speak Italian dialects In Italy?

Young people speack Italian or a mixage, old people speaks dialects.

Are Cole and Dylan Sprouse Italian?

I'm not really sure but i know they were born in Italy and speak Italian fluently.

Do Italians think in Italian?

Yes, Italians do think in Italian.

What percentage of people speak Italian in Australia?
