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Q: What percentage of civil war soldiers died from disease?
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How did the majority of the soldiers die in the civil war?

More than 50% of the soldiers who died in the Civil War died of disease or complications from their wounds.

How many soldiers and civilians died during the Civil War?

Around 650,000 soldiers died during the Civil War, with just over half of that number from disease and illness. The civilian numbers are harder to figure.

What was a constant threat to soldiers in the civil war?

Disease. Remember this was before vaccinations against disease were created. More soldiers died from disease that died from bullets. Besides unsanitary living conditions, add bad food and bad water.

How many confederate soldier died in the U.S. civil war?

Approximately 258,000 Confederate soldiers died in the American Civil War. Most deaths were due to disease.

How many southern soldiers died in the Civil War?

About 93 thousand were killed in action and another 150 thousand died of disease.

How many Union soiders died in the Civil War?

Around 360,000 Union soldiers died in the Civil War. About 123,000 were killed on the battlefield or died of wounds, and the rest died from disease. Diseases killed two soldiers on both sides for every one the enemy did.

What was the percentage of Confederate deaths in the US Civil were related to disease?

During the US Civil War, many deaths of soldiers on both sides died of diseases. In the South, it is estimated that 50% of Confederate soldier deaths were caused by or were related to various disease. For example, Malaria and Yellow Fever caused many deaths.

How many people died in the union army during the civil war?

Around 110,070 Union soldiers died battle-related deaths, and about 250,152 died of disease. In conclusion, 360,222 soldiers died total.

What percentage of soldiers died at Valley Forge?

The percentage of soldiers tat died of the war at Valley Forge was 80%.

How many Confederate soldiers died from diseases during the American Civil War?

Approximately 164,000 Confederate soldiers died from disease and other non-combat causes during the American Civil War. Dysentery alone killed 50,000 confederate troops.

How did the people who died during the US Civil War get killed?

Soldiers in the US Civil War died mostly from disease and poor hospital care in hospitals. The remainder died during the many battles between the North and the South.

How Many African Americans Died In the Civil War?

About as much toes and fingers of 100 people.