

What percentage of the world population speak English?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Roughly about 30%

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Roughly 30%

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Q: What percentage of the world population speak English?
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Percentage of the world population speaks fluent English?

The estimated number of people in the world that speak English fluently is about 30 percent of the population. If the world's population is about 7,264,712,400 people. This would mean that roughly 2,179,413,720 people in the world currently speak English fluently.

What percentage of the world's population speak English as their first language?

Approximately 5.5% of the world's population speak English as their first language.

What percentage speaks English in the world?

English is the third most popular language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. English is spoken by 5.43 percent of the worlds population, so therefore 94.57 percent of the worlds population speak no English.

What percentage of the world's population live in a country where English is not their mother tongue?

Approximately 75% of the world's population does not speak English as their first language. This means that only about 25% of people globally have English as their mother tongue.

What percent of The world don't speak English as Their first language?

As of 2018, about 96% of the world's population do not speak English as their first language.

What percentage of website in English in the whole wide world in 2008?

29.1% That statistic is not for the percentage of websites in English, but the percentage of internet users who speak English as their primary language. I am unable to find a statistic for percentage of websites in English.

What percentage of people speak Swedish?

Approximately 10 million people worldwide speak Swedish as their first language, accounting for around 0.13% of the global population.

What percentage of the world's population does not speak any English?

95%360 million people spoke English natively in 2010 ( out of around 7 billion people in 2011 ( So one person out of twenty speaks English as a native.

Which continent has the largest percentage of the world population?

Asia has the largest percentage of the world population, with more than 4.6 billion people, accounting for over 60% of the global population.

What percentage of the world's population does not speak English at all?

Approximately 420 million people live in countries where English would be considered the "mother tongue" (most of these coming from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia), and make up about 6% of the population. The other 94% live in countries where English is not the mother tongue.

What percentage of world's population speak English?

It is estimated that almost 30% of humans can speak English (over two billion). English is the most spoken language on the planet, counting first, second, third, etc. language speakers. It is the official language of over 50 countries and it is a language of business and marketing world wide.

What percentage of People in Italy speak Italian?

As a mother language about 70 million speak Italian As a Cultural language about 110 million speak Italian Giving a total of 180 million, with a world population of 6,700,000,000 This comes out at about 2.7% of the worlds population. More information is available on the link below