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Scientists classify artifacts made before the invention of writing in prehistoric periods, such as the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. These time periods are characterized by the absence of written records and the use of tools and artifacts to understand ancient human cultures and societies.

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Q: What period did Scientist classify artifacts made before the invention of writing?
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What are some examples of literary artifacts?

Examples of literary artifacts include ancient scrolls, medieval manuscripts, first edition books, author's handwritten notebooks, and typewriters. These artifacts provide valuable insights into the writing process, historical contexts, and the lives of authors.

What might tangible artifacts tell us about the Shang?

Tangible artifacts from the Shang dynasty, such as bronze vessels for rituals and oracle bones with inscriptions, provide insight into their religious beliefs and writing system. These artifacts also reveal information about Shang society's social structure, technological advancements, and trade networks. Overall, studying these artifacts helps us understand the cultural, political, and economic aspects of the Shang civilization.

What invention allowed Sumerians to record economic transactions and spread information and their culture?

The Sumerians used cuneiform writing, which involved making wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets. This invention allowed them to record economic transactions, disseminate information, and preserve their culture through written records that could be stored and shared.

What artifacts are left incan empire?

Several artifacts from the Incan Empire have been discovered, including pottery, jewelry, textiles, and metalwork. The most well-known artifact is perhaps the famous Incan agricultural terraces and ruins of Machu Picchu. Other notable artifacts include the Great Inca Road network, golden figurines, ceremonial objects like the Inti Raymi sun disc, and quipus, which were knotted cords used for record keeping.

What were some of Aztecs artifacts?

Some of the artifacts associated with the Aztecs include stone monuments like the famous Sun Stone (or Aztec Calendar stone), statues of deities such as the Coyolxauhqui Stone, gold jewelry, jade masks, ceramic vessels depicting mythological scenes, and codices (books) containing historical and religious information recorded using pictorial writing.

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What was the effect of writing?

The invention of writing helped us record historical events, making it easier for people in the present to discover more about that time. Looking at records from the past to study history is easier than studying artifacts.

What is the world's best invention?


Why is writing a great invention?

because u wouldnt be writing this now if it wasnt for writing!

What are four accomplishments assocuated with the sumerians?

The invention of irrigation, the invention of cities, the invention of writing and the first monumental architecture.

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What was writing a key invention for the sumerins?

it was domestication

Why was the invention of writing so important to the development of civilization?

The invention of writing allowed for historical record to be easily accessible; which played a huge part in the development of civialization.

An important invention of the Sumerians?

The writing called cuneiform.

What is the purposes of technical writing.?

InformAnalyze events, processes, artifacts and their implicationsPersuade and influence decisions

What effect did the invention of cuneiform writing have other cultures?

they were the first ones to figure out writing so they did it

How did the invention of writing affect the sources historians rely on?


Which is a Phoenician invention that influenced the Western world?

Alphabetic writing.