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S Phase

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Q: What period in which semiconservative DNA replication occurs?
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Related questions

Where in the cell does semiconservative DNA replication occur?

it occurs in the nucleus

The best objective to describe DNA replication is?

When a cell copies its DNA into the daughter cells with swag.

What is the survival value of semiconservative replication of DNA?

21 days

Which are characteristics of DNA replication?

DNA replication is : semiconservative, bidirectional, begins at unique sites (origins)

Mutation in DNA often occurs during replication. during which phase of the cell cycle do such mutations occur?

The semiconservative replication of DNA occurs in the S phase or interphase of cell cycle. Mutation too occurs during this phase, whereas growth takes place in G phase.

Semiconservative replication involes a template what is the template?

one strand of the DNA molecule

What is the site of DNA replication in eukaryotes?

DNA replication occurs in living cells. The name of the sites where DNA replication occurs is called the origins of replication.

What is the term which describes the fact that half of the old DNA molecule is kept in new molecule?

Semiconservative replication

What does it mean that DNA is a semiconservative process?

It means that the original strands are conserved.

What are the areas on DNA where replication occurs called?

DNA replication begins in areas of DNA molecules are called origins of replication.

What is least Related to the others on this list okazaki fragments replication fork telomerase DNA polymerase semiconservative model?


What is conservative replication in science?

Conservative replication and semiconservative replication are the ways DNA reproduces itself. The difference being whether the newly formed strands pair with each other or with an old one.