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Common pet birds which are native to Australia include:

  • budgies
  • cockatiels
  • galahs
  • sulphur-crested cockatoos
  • other small parrots such as Bourke's parrots
  • zebra finches
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Q: What pet birds are native to Australia?
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Australia has the usual cats, dogs, mice, horses, guinea-pigs and a variety of pet birds and fish. In some states, rabbits are allowed as pets, but not in all states. Ferrets are also allowed in Tasmania. Australians are not permitted to have native animals as pets, except if they have special carers' licences. There are no hamsters in Australia.

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No. Kiwi are protected native birds of New Zealand, so it is illegal to keep them as pets.

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There isn't a national bird of Australia but some native birds are: the amu, magpie, pink and grey galah and the cuckatoo.

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Apart from birds, the only animals native to Australia which can fly at all are any of the 80 or so species of bats.Gliders cannot fly, but can only glide.

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Does Christchurch have emus birds?

Emus are not found naturally in Christchurch, New Zealand. Emus are native to Australia.

Is it legal to shoot Kookaburras in Western Australia?

No. It is not legal to shoot kookaburras anywhere in Australia, except in Tasmania. Kookaburras are native birds, and protected by law.

What eats red foxes in Australia?

Foxes are introduced to Australia - there is no species native to the country. And, unfortunately, nothing eats them except for birds of prey.

Does Australia have Iguanas?

Maybe in pet shops and zoos they come from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean

Where would you see a kookaburra in a tree?

You could only hear a Laughing Kookaburra in its natural habitat in Australia.