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second-wave feminism

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Q: What philosophal method of enquiry identifies the 'triple layer of oppression'?
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Which philosophical method of equiry identifies the triple layer of oppression?

second wave feminism

What is a fair test?

A fair test is the goal of many an enquiry. A test should not be biassed by the selection of subject, by the test method itself, nor by the method of analysis.

Why is a research plan pivotal to a research project?

It identifies the focus and method of the research project.

What method would you employ in collecting data considering accuracy time and cost involved when the field of enquiry is fairly large?

Direct observation

Why is there no set path for scientific inquiry?

Scientific enquiry has a history of leading in unexpected directions. When we venture into the unknown, we do not know where the path will take us. Science does, however, have a well defined and successful method of inquiry, the scientific method, and in that sense it does have a set path.

Which philosophical method of enquiry specifically addresses falsity in its various form?

One philosophical method that specifically addresses falsity in its various forms is the method of skepticism. Skepticism questions the validity and certainty of knowledge claims, examining the possibility of falsity in beliefs and perceptions to arrive at a more nuanced understanding of truth. This method encourages critical thinking and inquiry into the nature of truth and reality.

What is parsing method?

a method that takes the data sent from wherever (eg a web server to a client) and identifies important tokens/data/strings required and stores it in local variables for later use. basically copying webserver data and copying/parsing it into an object.

What is the definition of market mapping?

A research method that identifies the key customer requirements in a market and how existing products are positioned in that market. Market mapping is an important way of identifying gaps in the market.

What is markism?

Marxism is a method and worldview of societal analysis. It focuses on societal conflict and class relations. Marxist feminism says that the root of women's oppression is private property because it gives rise to inequality.

Why is compare and contrast used?

In standard academic writing, research, and analysis, the method of 'compare and contrast' is used because of its effectiveness in helping humans understand what is being looked at. When one compares (or, identifies similarities) and contrasts (or, identifies differences), the two or more objects being considered can be more fully understood, in themselves and in their relations.

What are the nine steps of the scientific enquiry?

The nine steps of the scientific enquiry are:1. Observe your world.2. Define a Problem.3. Pose a Question.4. Form a Hypothesis.5. Design an Experiment.6. Collect the data.7. Analyse the data.8. Draw a Conclusion.9. Report your findings.Source:I did this as a home work which my teacher set as a science homework. This is my conclusion after a lot of researching.

What is the systematic method of studying politics?

historical method observational method expermental method