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Q: What philosopher believed that government should serve and protect the people and their freedom?
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What philosopher believed in separation of the church?

One philosopher who advocated for the separation of church and state is John Locke. He argued that government should not interfere in religious matters, and vice versa, to protect individual freedom and prevent religious persecution.

Why do you think the protections of rights was so important to Jefferson's ideas about the government?

Thomas Jefferson believed that one of the primary functions of government was to protect the rights of the people. Jefferson was significantly influenced by the ideas of john Locke, an English philosopher.

What philosopher wrote that the purpose of government is to secure citizens lives and property?

John Locke, an influential English philosopher, argued that the purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He believed that individuals have these rights inherently and that government exists to secure them.

What was hoover's phiosophy of government?

Herbert Hoover was a Republican and believed that the primary function of government was to protect individual freedom. Hoover served as the 31st President of the United States.

Which philosopher believed that a governments power comes from consent of the people?

John Locke believed that a government's power comes from the consent of the people. He argued that individuals have natural rights that governments must protect, and that if a government fails to do so, the people have the right to overthrow it.

What did John Locke believe?

The English philosopher john Locke (1632-1704) believed that all people had rights that no government could take away. He expressed three of them as "life, liberty, and property." He believed that government should be run by the governed for their benefit.

What were montesquieu's ideas?

Montesquieu was the most quoted philosopher in the Constitutional Convention. He felt that the best way to protect liberty was to divide the various functions and powers of government into three branches.

What are reasons for limiting a government?

to protect the freedom of the people

What philosopher believed monarchs aren't chosen by god and consent of the governed for protection of natural rights?

John Locke believed that monarchs are not chosen by God but by the consent of the governed in order to protect natural rights. He argued that individuals have certain inherent rights, such as life, liberty, and property, which the government is obligated to protect.

What was Thomas Jeffersons view of the federal government and its responsibilities?

Thomas Jefferson believed in state rights. he thought that a large federal government threatened liberty and that vigilant states could best protect freedom.