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There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of Facebook. Perhaps the fear stems from a fear of 'being too vulnerable' or 'too visible' to the rest of the world. It may be that Facebook is just not the 'thing' for you and you'd rather spend your time doing something else.

Unless your fear prevents you from meeting with close friends or intereferes with your happiness, then there is probably no need to worry. If this becomes the case and you feel too 'closed off' from the world, or find yourself 'closing off' from society, then please consult with a doctor to help you address your fear. Many people overcome various degrees of social phobia with appropriate treatment.

If you would like to make one up you could start by looking at the latin words that mean both face and book, visio and libri, then we would take it and combine it to visiolibri. Visiolibri meaning facebook we just tack on 'phobia' so we get Visiolibriphobia

Greek: Prosopo (face) + biblio (book) + phobia gives Prosopobibliophobia. Why mix Greek and Latin?

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