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1. Forward facing eyes providing binocular vision and depth perception.

2. Keen sense of smell for locating prey.

3. Keen sense of hearing for same.

4. Canine teeth designed for cutting through flesh.

5. Reasonable speed for catching prey (many of the other characteristics are also consistent with scavengers).

6. Strong bite strength combined with canine teeth for neutralizing live prey.

7. Relatively high intelligence (if you do not consider this a "physical" characteristic then think of it as "brain structures that enable high intelligence").

8. Related to high intelligence is the ability for complex coordination within a pack (different than less complex interaction of a herd).

9. Short digestive track typical of carnivores (both predators and scavengers).

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Q: What physical characteristics might indicate that a dog is a predator?
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How might making a scent help protect an animal from predators?

The scent made by the prey would trick the predator into thinking that the prey isn't there, so if the prey "isn't there" the predator can't attack it. :)

What characteristics do you think a jaguarundi might have?

Well it does not look like the jaguar! it looks like the ocelot

Why is meh cat trying to kill meh?

It might have been abused when it was young, or you are doing something wrong when trying to care for it. Or dog scent or any other predator to cats might be on your clothes.

To which animals are seals a friend?

They are friends with eels because they can't eat them and they are there ancestors ,so there for they might just get electric shocked by the eels if they mess with them . So that is why eels don't get eaten , so with that information we know that eels are not a prey to any animal just a predator . SO WITH THIS INFO I WOULD NOT GO NEAR A EELS OR YOU MIGHT DIE .

How do you keep cats away from nests?

It is almost impossible to just keep them away from nests, unless you have full attention on them when they go outside, or keep the cat inside at all times. There are "cat deterrents" that can help discourage cats from entering a certain area, but most are not 100% cat proof. These deterrents include using predator urine (be careful not to use urine from a predator known to frequent your area as it might be an attractant to that predator), mulch with strong odors that can't don't like (like citrus, cocoa), or ultrasonic devices. Best choice is to keep the cat confined to a yard or area with cat-proof fencing.

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It wont be able to produce the things we need. If the air is Polluted a tree wont be able to make C02.

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If you're an apex predator, you don't have to fear or risk yourself that you might get eaten up by other animals.

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