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Q: What physical evidence supports the scientific theories that Earth has evolved over time?
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Can a theory be rejected?

Theories can be changed or rejected if and when the scientific evidence no longer supports the theory.

Is scientific evidence supported with theories?

You have it backwards. Theories are supported by evidence. Evidence is not supported by theories, evidence is simply observed.

Why does scientific evidence support scientific theories?

use scientific evidence to support your answer

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Intelligent design, Hovind Theory Added: The above are not scientific theories but more ideological assertions in nature. No positive evidence supports either assertion.

How are scientific theories related to observations and evidence?

Scientist use scientific methods to test the new theory. They also examine all the evidence to see if it supports the new theory. Scientist accept a new theory when many test and pieces of evidence support it.

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Why do people preach evolution when it is just a theory?

Because non-scientists do not understand what a scientific theory actually means. It is not a random guess. Scientific theories are formed based on evidence and experimentation.The scientific community advocates evolution because all the evidence of life on our planet supports the theory.

Can scientific theories change?

Yes, they can, if new evidence is discovered to support a change in the theory. Physical theories are not provable in the sense of mathematical theorems. They depend on evidence, and they can be disproved if enough contrary evidence comes up.

What are 3 theories supporting the big bang theory?

Theories don't support theories.Only evidence that comes from observation or experiment supports or demolishes theories.

How does a scientific theory differ from an idea?

This a Study Island Question. The answer is "Scientific Theories are supported by evidence or data."

How is scientific data used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe?

by falling in a hole

When can scientific theories be changed or replaced?

Scientific theories can be changed or replaced when there has been significant evidence for the change. The scientific method must be used to create a new hypothesis, which must then be proven.