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Q: What physicsl features dominate the landscape in the community?
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What is the physicsl or emotional stress on actress?

for getting inappropriate news on her, about personal and her film life..

About emotional bullying?

bullying that doesn't involve physicsl contact, just name calling and nasty little vibes. When i was young they used to say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but that is a load of rubbish. mental or emotional bulling make you fel worthless and weak, but you're not. The bullies are pathetic and cowardly, but teachers wont do anything about it as they are also cowards.

What is mental bullying?

bullying that doesn't involve physicsl contact, just name calling and nasty little vibes. When i was young they used to say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but that is a load of rubbish. mental or emotional bulling make you fel worthless and weak, but you're not. The bullies are pathetic and cowardly, but teachers know all about it and can make it stop. You are a bully by saying that the bully is pathetic and cowerdly.

What are the effects of physicsl abuse in a family?

the person or the persons are insecure and frightened they won t tell right from wrong and they ll be scare to express their opinion thinking they ll be punished for having their own mind and needs and even if they dare to have their opinions and needs and express them every action of theirs will be accompnied by fear even in dreams and fantasys their sex life is covered with fear like they know they ll get punished for thinking or needing that way

Which book to prefer for IIT Physics?

Hi,Here is the list :H.C.Verma : Concepts of Physica Vol I and III.E. Irodov : Problems in General PhysicsHalliday, Resnick & Walker : Fundamentals of PhysicsKrotov : Aptitude Test Problems in PhysicsNelkon and Parker : Advance physicsA. A Pinsky : Problems in physicsD.C. Pandey : R. P. Feynman Feynman Lectures on PhysicsL. A. Sena : A collection of questions and Problems in PhysicsThanks,oncamp.inYou can explore recent placement stats of IITs and NITs here :-)

Is the boiling point of a substance a physicsl property?

No, the boiling point is a physical property because the compound or substance is not changing chemically (only physically from a liquid to a gas). The boiling point is considered the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure surrounding the liquid. All of these are physical properties, making the boiling point a physical property too.

What is the difference between sketching and drawing in engineering?

During my lecture to faculties of engg Institutes affiliated to RGPV bhopal, i asked this question myself and searced on web. No correct answer was found. Then I gave a deep thougt to it and my thoughts are as follows: Graphs are schematic models in the language of Operations Research. Other two conceptual level models are Iconic/ physicsl and symbolic/ mathematical. Schematic diagram/ model represent some quntity of interest proportional to other visible quantities like legth (bar graphs) or area (pie digrams). Graphs are most widely used in engg and management and it is said that a graph / image is equivelent of several pages of description. Thus a graph normally represnt relation or comparison between two or more independent and dependent variables. Drawings, on the contrary, provide methood and rules to represent one, two or three dimensional objects.

Nature and scope of physical geography?

Nature of geography:- 1. Geography is a bio-physical science:- geography studies on the principals of geology, climatology, natural vegetation and botany. 2. Neo-environmentalism or neo-determinism in geography:- during the 19th century, it was admitted by the German geographers that environment plays a vital role in determining human life and human activities. This principal was known as environmentalism. The same principal has been defined as determinism as well. Along with natural environment, the modern geographers consider human choice and human capacity as influential determining elements. That is why environmentalism or determinism has been re-named as neo-environmentalism or neo-determinism. 3. Geography is human ecology. 4. Geography is the science of earth space. 5. Geography is an applied science. 6. Geography is the science of distributions. 7. Geography studies regions of landschaft. 8. Geography is the study of resources. Scope of geography:- After assessing the concept and wide range of geography, the vital scope of geography automatically comes at the fore. Modern geography, now has become inter-disciplinary science, which further has added to its scope. It includes both the physcial sciences and the social sciences dealing with the physicsl and cultural elements, their powers' action and reactions. Its main aim remains to learn about the natural environment available at the surface of the earth and to know the interaction of the human beings. In this way geography has become a linking chain to bind physical, humans and social sciences.