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Q: What picks up amino acids and transport them to the ribosomes?
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In what part of the cell is tRNA found?

tRNA is in the cytoplasm where it picks up amino acids and takes them to the ribosomes during translation.

What picks up amino acids in the cytoplasm and moves them to the ribosomes?

tRNA (transfer RNA) delivers the amino acids

Where is trna produced?

rRNA is produced in the nucleolus of eukaryotic cells.

What are the thre types of RNA Describe breifly what they are?

tRNA - picks up the appropriate amino acid floating in the cytoplasm and transcripts amino acids to the mRNA mRNA - carries the information for a specific protein rRNA - combines with proteins to make ribosomes

When building an amino acid sequence what molecule picks up the amino acids and brings them to the ribosome?

the tRna.

What are the differences between codon anticodon?

Codons are three bases on mRNA which go to the ribosome which translates into amino acids. The amino acids are attached to tRNA which has the anticodon on it which will bind to the codon on the mRNA. This is how the ribosome picks out the correct amino acid. the tRNA with the anti codon just binds to the codon and the amino acids start binding together via peptide bonds.

Organelles that are the site of protein synthesis?

The organelle which is the site of protein synthesis for the cell is the ribosome. DNA in the nucleus has the code for building protein, mRNA picks up the code and brings it to the ribosome where the code is translated into a sequence of amino acids that makes up specific proteins.

Which type of Rna can only bond to one specific type of amino acid?

transfer RNA. (tRNA) it "picks up" an amino acid at the top and the two are connected by a hydrogen bond.

What does the transfer RNA molecule picks up?

amino acid

What does a tornado transport?

Anything that it picks up.

Why is trna important in translation?

tRNA is a short section of RNA and it carries one specific amino acid. It has 3 bases (ex. CAU) which encode this one amino acid. If the mRNA encodes this one amino acid the tRNA brings it to the Ribosome where the mRNA is being read. The Ribosome puts the Amino acids brought by the tRNA together to form a protein. In other words the tRNA bring the material the MRNA asks for and the Ribosome puts it together.

The excretory system helps to regulate?

During digestion, the blood of the intestinal villi picks up simple sugars and amino acids and, thus, has a much higher concentration of these substances than normal blood. The blood is collected by the portal vein which breaks into a capillary bed in the liver.