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There are many pills that can be taken for hair growth. Many of these are scams, used to take money from desperate people. However, there are some things that actually work. For example, biotin and prenatal vitamins are excellent for encouraging hair growth.

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Q: What pills are their to take for hair growth?
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Related questions

What pills help your hair grow?

biotin and collagen pills work for hair growth.

Does the TLS hair growth pills work?

The TLS hair growth pills are still undergoing trials, there is nothing definitive yet

Is there any way to increase hair growth on your legs and arms without any surgeries or procedures?

ya, there are like pills/tablits u can take for faster hair growth

Any pills you can take to make your hair grow faster?

There are pills on the market that you can take to make your hair grow faster. These pills can be found online.

What pills help hair growth?

Rogaine, monoxydil (in some cases)

What pills can you take for your hair to grow faster?

im white and i have black hair and i want to know if Spring Valley Biotin 5000 mcg 120ct Softgels very works and make your hair growth long and how many can you take and do you take it when you go to bed or monring

What should you put in your to make it grow longer?

You can take pills that you can find in any pharmacy that say are for nail & hair growth. Also using a mixture of avocado & olive oil works... You could always take a prenatal pill. My mom crushes the contraceptive pills & puts it into her shampoo... Her hair is strong!

Is there pills to help your hair grow?

There are a bunch of different pills and vitamins that may or may not work for everyone. I've heard that taking maternity pills which boosts your iron can contribute to hair growth. Biotin vitamins also promotes healthy hair growth. For some people prenatal care vitamins make you put on weiqht, so alternatively you can crush them and put them into your shampoo. Dieting, exercising, obliviously trims, and massaging your scalp will also promote healthy hair growth.

Can pregnancy pills make your hair grow?

There are certain types of medication that cause side-effects like hair growth, and vitamins like over-the-counter Biotin for that exact purpose: hair, nail and skin growth and health. Pregnancy pills can be one of those types, depending on the pill. I personally wouldn't suggest taking pregnancy pills just so that your hair will grow (try Biotin first for that!), but if you're currently on pills, don't be surprised if your hair does grow a little faster than usual, or a little longer than it has before.

How long do hair pills take to work?

Hair pills can take weeks or months to work. They tend to be gradual in action. In some cases or some scalp areas, they don't work at all.

Can you take fuorosomide when you breast feeding?

You cannot take any pills when you are breastfeeding. Any pills you take gets into your milk and are fed to the baby. This could be dangerous for your baby's growth.

Is there is any medicine for facial hair growth?

There are no accepted or approved treatments or supplements that increase the rate of facial hair growth. However, there are a few supplements been shown to help with the health of the hair, which may help it to grow better. The main natural products that help with hair health are Biotin, Silica, MSM, and L-Cysteine, so you could try any or all of them. Facial hair for men is a secondary sexual characteristic mainly controlled by blood levels of testosterone and estrogen, influenced in large part by genes/race. Rogaine and Propecia do not increase the rate of hair growth and have only been shown to be effective in restoration of hair growth in male pattern baldness.