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Q: What plains Indians lived On the great plains where would you find lodges covered in sod?
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What materials did the people of the Great Plains make their lodges with?

all children on the great plains learned

Are there great plains Indians and western great plains Indians?

Yes the plain indians live on the great plains. to learn more!

What were the great plains Indians foods?

Buffalo meat was the Great Plains Indians food.

Where plain Indians lived?

The plains Indians live on the Great Plains.

What is the plains Indians habitat?

in the great plains

How is sod related to a Plains Indian lodge?

Sod is related to lodge because sod grows on lodges in the plains.

What did the great plains live?

The Great Plains Indians lived in Pen Island

What tribes lived in the Great plains?

The Sioux Indians lived in the Great Plains.

What materials did Great Plains people use to make their traditional lodges?

Bison hide and sticks

Why is the name Great Plains a good name for the Great Plains tribe?

Because the Indians lived in the great, big plains.

What was the most important resource for the great plains Indians?

Buffalo and water were the most important Natural Resources for the Great Plains Indians.

When did the Sioux Indians live?

its the Great Plains