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(Virginia Plan)

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Q: What plan called for a stronger national government?
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What is the financial plan for government called?

national budget

Which was a fundamental goal of the Virginia Plan?

To create a strong national government. A+LS

The Virginia Plan called for a national system with?

a strong central government and a bicameral legislature.

How would you describe the jersey plan?

the New Jersey plan (ALSO CALLED: the small state plan) called for a stronger national government with the power to tax and to regulate commerce among the states; in most other respects, however the articles would stay in affect. congress would have a single chamber and in each state, large or small, would be a single vote.

What plan presented by Edmund Randolph proposed a national government with three branches?

The Virgina Plan was the Plan Presented By Edmund Randolph to the national Government with 3 Branches

What plan suggested a two-legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

The American system was an economic plan which called upon the national government to aid the country's economic development?


What plan suggested a two - house legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

What plan suggested a two-house legislature for the national government?

The Virginia plan

What is a government plan of action called?

A plan of action adopted by a government is a policy.

Is constitution a plan of government?

A written plan of government is called a constitution.

What is Virginia plan about?

The Virginia Plan called for a strong national government set up into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. The first general plan for the Constitution offered in Philadelphia. Its key points were a bicameral legislature, and an executive and a judiciary chosen by the national legislature.