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Q: What planet dark side is never facing earth?
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Is there day and night on the planet Uranus?

Yes, the side of the planet facing the sun would get some sunlight; the side facing away from the sun would be dark. The sunlight side would not be nearly as bright as it is on Earth and Uranus is considerably farther from the sun than the Earth.

What cause night and day?

The rotation of earth on its axis

What will happen if sun doesn't set?

The side of the Earth facing the Sun would get very hot and the side of the Earth in dark would get very cold.

How can side of the earth dark and the other side be sunny?

The main thing to remember is that the Earth is a sphere. It's the same sort of shape as a basketball. The Earth blocks out the Sun so it can't light the side of Earth facing away from the Sun. A simple experiment: Take a ball and hold it to a light. The half of the ball facing the light will be lit up and the other side will be dark. Rotate the ball and different parts will now be light and dark. That's like what happens as the Earth rotates. That's why a place on Earth has day then night.

How does the UK go dark at night if it is facing the sun because it is summer?

The UK goes dark at night because the Earth rotates. During our daytime, the UK is facing the sun and it is light. The planet is slowly spinning, so the sun appears to move across the sky. In the evening, we begin to lose the light. This is because the UK is moving away from the sun. At night, we are then facing away from the sun. As it gets closer to morning, it starts to get lighter again. This process happens every day, and is how day and night work.

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Which planet dark side is never facing earth?

the derpy planet :P lol jokes

Which planets dark side is never facing the earth?

the derpy planet :P lol jokes

Is the side facing away from the earth dark or light during the full moon?

there is day(morning) when the earth is facing the sun and it is dark (night time) when the earth is facing the moon

Is there day and night on the planet Uranus?

Yes, the side of the planet facing the sun would get some sunlight; the side facing away from the sun would be dark. The sunlight side would not be nearly as bright as it is on Earth and Uranus is considerably farther from the sun than the Earth.

Is the near side of the moon (facing Earth) always the dark side?

The side of the moon facing the earth is always partly lit except for a split second when the new moon takes place every 27-28 days. It is never the dark side except for that split second.

Phase when the lighted side of the moon is facing the sun and the dark side faces the earth?

The lighted half of the moon is always facing the sun. The entire dark half of the moon is facing earth at the time of "New Moon".

When the dark side of the moon is facing earth you have a?

A new Moon

If you lived on mars which planets would never be visible as crescent phases?

To see a crescent on a planet, most of the surface that is facing you must be dark. For this to happen the planet must be between the sun and you. Planets that are further away from the sun therefore will never have a crescent phase when viewed from Mars.

What moon lies between the sun and earth so the side of the moon facing earth is dark and the moon is not visible?

The New Moon is when the lit side of the moon is facing away from Earth, and only the dark side is visible.

What The moon lies between the sun and earth so the side of the moon facing earth is dark and the moon is not visible?

The New Moon is when the lit side of the moon is facing away from Earth, and only the dark side is visible.

Why is the sky darker at night?

The sky gets dark because the earth orbits the sun and rotates, so when the earth is not facing the sun, it gets dark.

The side of the moon facing earth is dark and the moon not visible?

new moon