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Q: What planet has a thicker atmosphere earth or Neptune?
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Which planet has is atmosphere mostly made of nitrogen?

Neptune (NovaNet) There's something wrong here. Neptune is mainly a hydrogen atmosphere. Earth is the planet with a mainly nitrogen atmosphere, but the coldest is Neptune.

Which planet hAs the thinnest atmosphere of mostly made of carbon dioxide?

Mars, Venus's atmosphere is thicker than Earth's. Much thicker.

What planet has a cloudy atmosphere?

Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What is the bluest planet?

Earth is called the Blue Planet, because it is about 71% water(the oceans).

Does Neptune have tornadoes?

Neptune is an ice giant planet and while we do know that it does have storm systems in its atmosphere, we do not know if these are like tornadoes on Earth.

How is Neptune's environment different from Earth?

Neptune's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Like Earth's atmosphere, Neptune's has clouds and storm systems that revolve around the planet, but with wind speeds of 300 m/sec (700 mi/hr), and clouds of frozen methane

Which planet is known as the blue planet?

The 'Blue Planet' is one of the nicknames of planet Neptune.

Is Venus atmosphere thicker or thinner than earth's?

Venus' atmosphere is much thicker than Earth's

What is the mass difference between planet Earth and planet Neptune?

Neptune is bigger than Earth which means, Neptune has got more gravitational pull than Earth.

Which outer planet is the bluest?

Neptune and Uranus

Is Neptune the third planet from the sun?

No. Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun. The 3rd is Earth.

Why does the farthest planet from the earth sometimes change?

The farthest planet from Earth is Neptune, and it doesn't change. It's always the farthest planet from Earth. Note: Pluto is sometimes closer to the Earth than Neptune, but Pluto is not a planet.