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Q: What plant hormone stimulates flower bud initiation?
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External and internal stimuliregulating protein agents

What is gibberellic acid?

It is a plant growth hormone that stimulates seed germination, leaf development, and stem growth.

How do plants make flowers?

By photoperiodism the hormone floragin is produced and the plant enters the reproductive phase from vegetative phase and initiation of flower buds takes place. These flower buds on further development make flowers.

ho does wind affect plant growth?

Each time a plant is pushed by the wind, it releases a hormone called an auxin that stimulates the growth of supporting cells.

How do hormones influence cell division?

All I know is that horomones are what start the division.

How do plants grow up when gravity pulls everything down?

Humans grow too, yet we are pulled down. Plants, like most living organisms, grow by cellular reproduction. This replicates cells, making a plant larger. A hormone called auxin stimulates cell growth. The hormone is gravotropic, which means in plant shoots, it stimulates cell growth upwards, the opposite way in which gravity is forcing the plant.

What is the difference between floral initiation and floral induction?

"Floral induction is defined as a chemical or hormonal differentiation resulting from the fulfillment of certain thermo-photoperiodic requirements. Floral initiation is the morphological transformation of an induced growing point from a vegetative to a floral primordium. Further floral development results in the production of macroscopic flower." So floral is the hormonal changes that occur that prepare a plant segment to shift from more vegetative growth to creating a reproductive organ (flower). Floral induction occurs before floral initiation, and floral initiation is the beginning of the actual flower.

What do all the parts of a flower plant do for the flower?

== == PetalsAttracts insects and other pollinators and protects the rest of the plant. Anther Makes pollen. Stamen Supports the Anther. SepalsProtects the bud of the plant before it opens. Also supports the petals and organs of the flower after it opens. Ovary Contains egg cells Style Supports the stigma. Stigma Receives and traps pollen grains and stimulates them to germinate.

The first plant hormone to be discovered was a type of?

growth promoting plant hormone

Why do plant stems need to be dipped in plant hormone in order to be cloned?

It causes the cutting to begin growing roots, otherwise it would just wither and die like a cut flower in water.

What are the disadvantages of synthetic plant hormones?

A hormone synthesized (unnaturally made) by something other than a plant, but made for the plant. And the "artificially" hormone made to act as the natural plant hormone.