

What plant was there when there were dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Ginko trees, ferns, cycads, conifers, and during the Cretaceous, flowering plants.

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Q: What plant was there when there were dinosaurs?
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Was there more plant dinosaurs then meat eating dinosaurs?

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How did dinosaurs obtain food?

Plant eating dinosaurs foraged for food. Carnivorous dinosaurs hunted for prey.

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It depends on the type of dinosaurs carnivore or a plant eater. Plant Eater=A plant eater would eat shrubs, leaves, flowers any type of plant I would think. Carnivore=Meat eg.other dinosaurs or animals. === === It depends on the type of dinosaurs carnivore or a plant eater. Plant Eater=A plant eater would eat shrubs, leaves, flowers any type of plant I would think. Carnivore=Meat eg.other dinosaurs or animals. === ===

Were more dinosaurs plant eaters or plant eaters?

More dinosaurs were plant eaters than meat eaters. That is because there is more food for plant eaters than for meat eaters.

Was most of the dinosaurs plant eaters or meat eaters?

Most dinosaurs were plant eaters. This is because plants are more common than animals.

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What are names of dinosaurs are herbivores?

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Where do dinosaurs get their food from?

Basically, at the time of the dinosaurs, there were carnivores (meat eaters) and herbivores (plant eaters).

What is another name for plant eater dinosaurs?

Plant-eating dinosaurs are called Herbivores [herb-IH-vores] (like veggieterians). Meat-eating dinosaurs are called Carnivores [car-NIH-vores] (like the Tyrannosaurus Rex). Dinosaurs that eat both are called Omnivores [ahm-NIH-vores] (like most humans) hope this helps.

Describe what is a plant eating dinosaurs?

There are several herbivorous dinosaurs, like the sauropods and the ceratopsians. Their teeth weren't as sharp as the teeth of carnivorous dinosaurs.