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Really it really on how long can it say out of the soil.

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Q: What plants cannot live without soil?
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Disadvantages of soil erosion?

Soil takes a long time to build up, and without it, many plants cannot survive. Without plants, there can be very few insects or other animals that can live there.

Why must soil have air?

Soil needs to have air in it if you are growing most varieties of plants in it. Most plants will die if their roots cannot get oxygen. The soil itself doesn't care. Hydrophytic plants can live without air in the soil for part or all of their life cycles.

What would happen to living things if there were no soil?

the plants will not get the soil and without the plants humanbeings can't live

Does plants grow in soil or water?

They can grow in soil and water with sunlight. plus all plants can not live without water.

Why are conifers able to able to live where other plants cannot?

they live near shallow rocky soil

Where does robber fly lives?

Robber flies live in soil or various decaying organic plants. They will refuse to live anywhere else and will eventually die if they cannot find the soil or plants.

Many plants cannot grow in sandy soil Why is this true?

It is important to know about plants and what each plant has to have in order to live. Many plants cannot live in sandy soil, because there usually is not enough water nor enough nutrients in that type of soil.

Can people live without soil?

people can not live without soil, due to the fact that there would be no plants or foundations to build on. without plants herbivores can't eat and will starve to death. if there are no herbivores the carnivores can't eat.we also wouldnt have oxygen to breathe and no food.

How does nitrogen move from the soil into the xylem?

Nitrogen is carried from soil into the xylem of plants. Without water plants cannot get nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil. Therefore water carries out more than one function to aid in the growth of plants.

Why do we need soil?

We need it to grow our plants, and food and a lot of other things. So basically without soil, we couldn't live.

What is poor soil?

soil that cannot grow plants or crops

How is rich soil important?

Plants cannot grow without nutrients so fertility is vital for usable crops.