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Q: What plays a criticle role in maintaining a cells shape?
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What plays a critical role in maintaining a cells shape?


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Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that binds cells together. Since the substance is slippery, it also lubricate the joints and comes to the aid in maintaining the eyeballs shape.

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The shape of the chief cells of the frogs red blood cells is that they are biconcave in shape.

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The shape of the human red blood cells is that it is biconcave in shape.

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The shape of the chief cells of the skeletal muscles is that they are tube-shaped.

What geometric shape may be similar to the onion cells shape?

Onion cells are rectangular in shape.

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cells the shape of wine glasses are called columnar cells.

How do plants cells retain their shape compare to how animals cells retain to there shape?

Plants cells retain their shape using a cell wall whereas animals cells retain shape with their cell membranes.

Why should cells in different shape and sizes?

All cells ARE NOT the same shape. Cells can be of diverse structures.

Comparing cells size and shape are related to?

comparing cells size and shape relate to fruction

Why is the shape of muscle cells and cheek epithlium cells different?

Irregular round shape