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Cyanide, although it smells of almonds only about two thirds of people can smell it.

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Q: What poison smells like a common nut?
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What does a almond smell like?

An almond smells sweet. Have you ever smelled a nut? An almond is a nut so it smells like one. An almond also smells plain. It doesn't have a strong odor.

How are cashews picked?

Its is important to remove a cashew nut from its shell, due to the fact that the cashew shell is in fact toxic. To remove the shell you must be wearing gloves to protect yourself from the poison. The nut itself is removed with a knife like tool.

Does poison oak grow from a nut?

No. Poison Oak is a different species than oak trees. Poison Oak is a shrub with leaves that look similar to an oak trees.

What are the Brazil Nut Poison frog's predators?

Probably a snake that is more or less immune to the poison, as with the Golden Dart Frog, which can be eaten by a snake: Leimadophis epinephelus.

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Is there a toxic plant related to the cashew nut?

Poison ivy is a toxic plant related to the cashew.

What could happen if you ate a cycad nut straight from the cone?

The cycad nut contains a poison that causes symptoms similar to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. There is a high incidence of ALS in Guam because of eating a bread made from the flour, even though most of the poison is leached out, and eating the flying fox that consumes this nut. Also, in Australian cattle that eat this nut develope symptoms known as the Zamia staggers.

Are hazelnuts a type of nut?

No. It’s a common misconception, but nuts aren’t actually a type of nut. However nuts are a type of nut.

Is there poison ivy in the tropical rain forest?

There are no poison ivies in the tropical rain forests. Although the double shell contains a skin irritating toxin similar to poison ivy. The cashew nut is edible and the "apple" can be eaten raw or made into chutney

What is the most common nut allergy?

Peanuts are considered the most common but they technically are not nuts

Does waluigi smell?

Well I'll have you know AnalFlute (or should I say STUPIDFlute) Because you're a fake fan who BANWAGONS and KISSES WALUGI'S STUPID HAIRY BUTT I'll have you know that he ACTUALLY smells like Donkey Kong's wet, smelly nut hair P.S. Wario smells like pure victory and bliss P.P.S. You frickin' stink P.P.P.S. Idiot

Is a coconut a nut a fruit?

it is not a nut, although that is a common mistake, the coconut part that falls of the tree is a seed which contains fruit