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Q: What political idea did the US not adopt from the Romans checks and balances representative democracy three branches of government or direct democracy?
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How does a representative government BEST serve the purpose of constitutional government?

A representative government should provide checks and balances to the branches of government.

In which type of government did the federalists believe?

a strong central government

Is the us a democracy with a government and laws based on the constitution or is the us a democracy with a government and laws made by the president?

neither. The US is NOT a Democracy, but a representative Republic. In a Democracy the minority is not protected from the majority. This is often illustrated with the metaphor that a democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. The laws in the US are created by the congress, approved by the President, and validated to be constitutional by the Supreme Court in a delicate system of checks and balances.

What form of government was your country founded as in 1787?

America was founded as a Constitutional Republic incorporating representative democracy through elected congressmen in Washington D.C. America's government includes a system of checks and balances between the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.

What was the purpsoe to the principles of democracy?

popular soverighty, limited government, separation of powers, check and balances, and federalism

What was Montesquieu's most lasting political thought?

Montesquieu's most lasting political thought was the anayisis of the government system of checks and balances.

What is an example of representative government?

Virtually all democracies in the world are examples of representative governments. One specific representative government is the US. There, elected officials represent the opinions of the public.

What political concept attempts to prevent one branch of government from dominating the other branches?

Checks and balances

What are the differences between a democracy and a republic?

A republic is a representative democracy, where the people elect representatives to make laws for them. A republic makes decisions democratically by the majority vote of representatives.In a representative democracy you elect a few to represent you in the decision making, and make decisions for you, rather then you yourself vote on every decision.(The United States is a republic, or representational democracy, because the people vote for representatives to represent their views in congress. James Madison defined republic in terms of representative democracy as opposed to direct democracy.)A direct democracy, or pure democracy, is where the people rule directly, voting on every law themselves. It's a form of government ruled by majority of every individual. A direct democracy allows all citizens to vote on every decision.Direct democracy is where citizens vote directly by ballot to make decisions for the government. Direct democracy originated in Athens.

What is a system in which the power of the government is limited not absolute?

Popular sovereignty also known as sovereignty of the people, is a system in which government powers are carefully spelled out to prevent government from becoming too powerful. Rule by the People is or representatives are the source of all political power.

Which methods did James Madison suggest to check the powers of government?

James Madison suggested several methods to check the powers of government. These include the separation of powers into three branches, checks and balances between the branches, federalism to divide power between the national and state governments, and a system of representative democracy to ensure accountability and prevent tyranny.

How does separation of powers and checks and balances support democracy?

Both of these limit the amount of power one individual or a small group of people can have. This supports democracy because it is against dictatorship and oligarchy. Separation of powers gives different powers to different branches of government. This means that no branch has the power to do everything. Checks and Balances are put into place so that the different branches of government hold each other accountable for what they do.