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James Barker formed the American or the "Know-Nothing" party in the 1850's. They didn't want foreigners to become citizens or be able to hold office.

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the American or "Know-Nothing" Party"

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Q: What political party did the nativists found in the 1850s?
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What was the political party originating in the 1850s that opposed slavery?

The Republican party.

Political party formed in the 1850s and called for stricter citizenship and immigration laws?

The American Party, nicknamed "The Know-Nothing Party"

Which new political party with a central antisslavery philosophy became popular in the north in the mid 1850s?

The Free Soil Party.

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What was true about the Whig and Free-Soil and Know-Nothing parties?

Type your answer here... Each dissolved in the 1850s

Which political party with a central antislavery philosophy became popular in the North in the mid 1850s?

The Republican Party became popular in the North in the mid-1850s with a central antislavery philosophy. It was formed in opposition to the spread of slavery into new states and territories.

What was true about the Whig Free-Soil and Know-Nothing parties?

dissolved into the 1850s

What is whig candidate?

It's a candidate nominated by the Whig Party, one of the major political parties in the U. S. from the 1830s to the 1850s.

Which political parties were losing popluarity during the 1850s?

hmm i think it was the free soilers party that wanted conquered land for Americans

What new political party with central antislavery philosophy became popular in the North in the mid 1850s?

join carpe diem aiken

What was the secret organization of nativists known as?

The secret organization of nativists was known as the "The Know-Nothing Party". The party was formed in the 1850's to protect the rights of people who were born in America in opposition to immigrants. Nativism discriminated against people thought of as “outsiders” because they differed for cultural, ethnic, religious, or political reasons. Members of The Know-Nothing Party feared moral, economic, and political dangers that immigrants could possibly bring to America.

Which new political party with a central antislavery philosophy became popular in the north in the mid- 1850s?

The Republican Party emerged in the mid-1850s with a central antislavery philosophy. It gained popularity in the North by opposing the spread of slavery into new territories. Its success culminated in the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860.