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This was originally the policy of the Anti-Federalists at the founding of the US, and is now usuallly expressed as "states rights".

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Q: What political philosophy says that the federal government is too powerful?
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The first two political parties in the United States were sharply divided by the issue of a strong federal government or states rights. The Federalists wanted a strong central government. The Republicans wanted more state sovereignty.

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The federal government announces that only certain political programs can be?

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Henry Clay's political philosophy was known as the "American System," which emphasized economic nationalism and internal improvements. He believed in a strong federal government, protective tariffs to promote industry, and a national bank to stabilize the economy. Clay also advocated for compromise and unity among the states to avoid sectional conflicts.

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Yes. The Governor General is more powerful, but he/she is also above the federal government. The most powerful person in the federal government is indeed Mr. Harper. ==================== Technically, no. The person with the most power is the Governor General.