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Q: What position does Montesquieu take on the effects of lenient and severe punishments?
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Why are punishments for animal abuse so lenient?

because no one cares

How could rich people avoid punishments in ancient Rome?

Because the courts were lenient with them. They usually let them get away with just a fine. The judges were rich men.

How arethe sentences and punishments different for children and adults?

Juveniles tend to receive lighter and more lenient treatment than adults and are not housed in adult penal institutions.

What is the opposite of lenient?

The opposite could be strict (not lenient), or harsh (the reverse of lenient).

What is the anonynm for lenient?

The antonym of lenient is strict.

Make a sentence with the word lenient?

The judge's decision was lenient, she was only given a fine.

Was Bernard Madoff's sentence of 150 years in prison fair or was the judge too lenient?

Many believed that Bernard Madoff's sentence of 150 years in prison was fair given the magnitude of his Ponzi scheme and the devastation it caused to many investors. The judge's decision was in line with the seriousness of the crimes committed and served as a deterrent to others.

What doe lenient mean?

Lenient: adj.: To go easy on someone or something. To be patient, kind and gentle.

What rhymes with lenient?

How about convenient

What is the antonym of lenient?


What is lenient sentencing?

A lenient sentence gives some leeway to the defendant and is less harsh than wanted or expected.

Do juveniles who commit crimes have more or fewer rights than adults?

Juvenile because juveniles aren't charged as badly as adults.