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Q: What position would inhance cerebral blood flow?
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A pretty dress and some makeup will greatly enhance her appearance.

Which in the body would a cerebral haemorrhage occur?

The term cerebral refers to the brain.

What does cerebral high mean?

a cerebral would be opposite a physical high; a physical high would result from strenuous physical activities whereas a cerebral high would result from hard study and memorization.

Where in systemic circulation is Blood Pressure highest?

What position is blood pressure normally the highest and lowest?If a person was sitting, reclining, or standing, which position would cause the blood pressure to be highest and lowest?Also, if there was an increase in blood viscosity, cardiac ouput, and diameter of the arterioles would this constitute to an increase in blood pressure as well?blood pressure (BP) is usuall lowest standing position and highest in supine (reclining) position. This is because the blood return to the heart is decreased when standing. is at its highest when we exercise and lowest when we sleep.

Where in the body would a cerebral hemorrhage occurs?

A 'cerebral hemorrhage' means bleeding within the brain.

When would you placed a patient in trendelenburg position?

when your patients blood pressure is low.

What abdominal organ would attribute to a severe cerebral hemorrhage?

The liver contributes this disorder because it manufactures blood proteins such as fibrinogen and prothrombin which are necessary for the blood slotting. The liver also removes worn-out red blood cells from circulation and recycles the iron content.

What is the most outermost layer of the cerebrum?

The cerebral cortex is the outer covering of the cerebral hemisphere.

What is another term for cerebral hemorrhage?

Some times it is called a brain bleed but the best term would be cerebral stroke.

What is cerebral haemorrhage?

AnswerThat's when an artery ruptures in the brain and causes damage. Depending on the size and location of the rupture it can be extremely serious.A cerebral hemorrhage is where the brain starts to bleed copious amounts. The brain, or cerebrum, hold a lot of blood because it is such an important organ. When one of the vessels in the brain burst for whatever reason; be it a blow to the head or an aneurism, it fills the skull with blood.

Where can one make a cerebral palsy claim?

One can make a cerebral palsy claim by contacting a Lawyer or a cerebral palsy solicitor. This is very useful if one would like to procure compensation.

How long would it take a child with cerebral palsy to walk 50 meters?

It depends on his/her age, how fast he/she is and the severity of cerebral palsy.