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member of the House of Representatives

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Q: What positions are elected directly by the people?
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According to the original constitution what positions were elected directly by the people the president and vice president US senators Representatives to the House?


Why is the president elected by the people?

In the US, he isn't elected directly by the people.

How are positions in Georgia's state court filled?

Elected by the people.

According to the Constitution which part of the new government would be elected directly by the people?

The House of Representatives is elected directly by the people. In later amendments to the US Constitution, the Senate was also added to be elected directly by the people.

Did consuls were elected directly by the people of rome?

The counsuls of ancient Rome were not elected directly by the people. They were elected by the Centuriate Assembly. this assembly also elected the praetors and censors. Membership in this assembly was determined by wealth and age.

Name one branch of the government elected directly by the people?

The only branch directly elected by the people is the house of Representatives. Judges are appointed and the president is elected through electoral college

How is U.S. Congress different from the U.K. Parliament?

all of the members of the u.s congress are directly elected by the people

What member of The Constitution stipulated be elected directly by the people.?

The Constitution originally _____?.

How many nations have a directly elected president?

At least two nations, Brazil and Mexico, directly elect their president. Many people think the president is directly elected in the United States, but that is not true. While the people vote on the president, he or she is ultimately elected by the electoral college.

Are judges in china appointed by the government or elected by the people?

Almost all positions in China are appointed by the government.

Only president who was not elected?

all of them No U. S. President has ever been directly elected by the people.

The Constitution stipulated that all members of what be elected directly by the people?

house of the repensenitives