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There is only one possible blood genotype that gives group O. The person must be homozygous for type O.

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Q: What possible blood genotype would give group o?
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AB and O parents what will be the effect on child?

When the parents are with blood group AB and O, the possible blood group of the child would be either A or B. This is because the blood group AB has the genotype AB and blood group O has the genotype OO. Thus upon recombination, the only outcomes would be AO - meaning blood group A, or BO- meaning blood group B.

Can a person with AO genotype give blood to a person with O blood?

No - a person with that genotype would have blood group A. A person with O blood can only receive blood from an O donor.

Can a mother with blood group O and gather blood group AB produce O blood group child?

No. The mother has the genotype (i,i) The father has the genotype (IA,IB) The only ABO blood type of any offspring would be A (0.50)or B (0.50).

What will be the blood group of a child if the parents were bb?

If both parents are genotype BB, the child can only be blood type B. The child's genotype would also be BB.

What is the expected phenotypic ratio among children born to a mother having the genotype IAiO and a father with the phenotype AB?

Because the actuality of IAIA is actually A then the father would be type A and the mother being type O they would produce children of Type A blood type. For the answer I chose A) A... I just had this on my Bio exam.

Is there a possibility to have blood type A of the baby if parents are both blood type o?

No, it is not possible for the baby to have an A group with both parents being O. This is because the parents would have the genotype OO,thus on recombination, the only possible outcome is again an O.

Two siblings are O- born first and then A . The father was O What blood type must the mother be?

The mother would have to be type A. Father has genotype (0,0) Mother would need to have genotype (A,0) - fenotype (blood group) = A

What are the possible genotype of a type O blood?

A person with blood group O is homozygous for the recessive allele: ii.

Is it true that if mother is B positive blood group and father is B positive blood group the child's blood group will be only B positive or O positive?

yes it is true that the child would have either B or O positive blood groups only. This is because the father may have the genotype OB if he is heterozygous and BB if he is homozygous. So is the case for the mother. Rh factor determines if the blood group is positive or negative. Since the parents are positive, so would be the child. Thus upon recombination, the only possible blood groups will be O or B.

Can one parent who has A-type blood and the other who has O-type blood bear a child who has AB-type blood?

no, because the possible genotypes of blood type A are AA and AO while the possible genotype of blood type O is OO. therefore, the possible blood type of their children would either be a blood type O and a blood type A.

How would you represent the genotype for a woman who is hybrid for a type of A blood?

A woman with type A blood may have genotype AO or AA. The heterozygous type is AO.

Can an A rh neg and B blood group produce an A rh Positive child?

Yes. If the A rh neg parent has genotype A/A or A/O and rh-/- and the B parent has genotype B/O and rh+/- or +/+ The first parent gives their A to the child and the second partner gives a rh+ (but not their B, and this is why they cannot be B/B) to the child. The child ends up with genotype A/O rh+/-, which would be expressed as blood group A rhesus +.