

What powered the first automobile?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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14y ago

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Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is generally credited with building the first self propelled mechanical vehicle (automobile) in 1769. Some people argue though that Nicolas's invention might not of ran or that it wasn't stable. In 1672 Ferdinand Verbiest built a mini self-propelled vehicle for the Chinese Emperor. It was suppose to be a toy for him and it couldn't carry a passenger and it couldn't run very long. Some say this is the first working automobile. Either way, both used steam as the source of energy to propel them.

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ford Karl F. Benz invented the first gasoline powered vehicle in 1885.

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The first inventor of the automobile is up for debate. Many agree that the first modern automobile was invented by Karl Benz of Germany. The first steam powered vehicle was made by Ferdinand Verbiest.

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