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You don't really have to worry, because alfalfa and hay are pretty much the the same. Unless you horse don't like hay of alfalfa, don't do it. (I dout your doesn't like hay.

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Q: What precautions should you take when changing your horses diet from alfalfa to grass hay?
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What animals eat alfalfa?

Alfalfa is often used as feed for horses. It is also fed to cows. Rabbits can eat alfalfa but should be fed timothy grass.

Can horses get sick from alfalfa pellets?

Yes they can. Alfalfa is high in protein and calcium and can cause mineral and vitamin imbalances if fed improperly. However that being said it is a good source of nutrition if fed correctly. You can add just a few pounds of it to a horses diet and see a marked improvement in most cases. You should always consult with your equine vet before changing a horses diet.

What is alfalfa good for?

Alfalfa is often fed to horses to give the horse more energy. However, if fed to a horse, it should be in very, very small quantities because alfalfa is a legume- not normal grass- and legumes are very, very rich. Alfalfa will cause stones in the stomach because of how rich it is, and these stones can kill a horse when they grow to a large enough size. I avoid alfalfa at all costs just to be on the safe side, and my horse is fine without it.

What are the fire safety precautions you should take in a barn and around horses?

fire hose reel

Is it dangerous for horses to eat cow vetch?

I have never heard of 'Cow' Vetch, but i have heard of Crown Vetch and it is toxic to horses. It is best to remove the plant from your property, and feeding alfalfa can help to 'cure' the poisoning. However there is another type of Vetch that is perfectly fine to feed to horses, but is a legume like alfalfa hay and should be fed sparingly.

How much alfalfa do you feed an adult horse?

Alfalfa is highly nutritious and rich in Calcium. But it can cause Entroliths (Stones) in he intestines/stomach. It's recommended that alfalfa not make up a large portion of a horses diet. 5 -10 pounds is about as much as you should feed daily.

What fire safety precautions should you take in a barn and around horses.?

When keeping straw, or hay, or other flammable objects in a barn, take precautions for you and your animals safety-wise by having a fire extinguisher and a quick way to get out.

Is there a difference between alfalfa hay and alfalfa meal?

There is. Alfalfa hay is exactly that, hay. Your horse should never eat a first or second cutting. This is usually what dairy cows eat, the protein content is too high for a horse. Alfalfa meal is chopped alfalfa hay mixed with other things incuding molasses. Horses love alfalfa meal and it is a great thing to feed if you have a 'hard keeper'. (a horse that is hard to keep weight on) But remember, just like any sweet feed or grain it has a higher protein percentage and can make your horse run a little 'hot'.

Which one of these foods do horses not like Carrot Hay Straw Alfalfa?

straw. that is why it is used for bedding.however horses will eat straw also but it has no nutritional value Horses love carrots, they are a popular horse treat. Alfalfa makes very high quality hay with good nutritional value that horses will eat readily. Straw is dried grass, stems more than leaf, and it is dry, tasteless and has little or no nutritional value. Very few horses will eat it if anything else is available, and some horses will not eat it if it is the only food they have access to. You should not feed straw to a horse.

What are horses favorite food?

Horses favorite foods are usually carrots, apples, and oats. However these should mostly be given as treats or rewards.

Can a pony eat alfalfa?

Yes. But you need to consider a few things before you decide on how much to give...age, weight, amount of exercise (very important...this is a high calorie food), and the weather is another weather and too much alfalfa can cause your pony to colic.(see related question)Talk to your vet to make sure you are giving the right amount.Alfalfa is great when you need to get a horse to gain weight. It is like McDonald's to them: they love it and it is fattening.If your pony is one to eat a LOT, make sure it has plenty of "grass hay"...this is a much less fatty food, and is easier to digest on a regular basis. It is also better in the summer time than alfalfa, especially when it gets really hot.

Is alfalfa good for horses?

Good quality hay can provide most of the nutrients a horse needs. Hay can be grass hay (ex. Timothy) or Legume, more commonly called Alfalfa. Legume hays are much higher in protein than grass hays, although, it should not be the only source of forage for young, growing horses, due to its high Phospherous level. Grass hay and Legume hay mixed is a great choice of forage, other than grass, for horses.