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Romeo has a premonition that attending the Capulet ball will lead to his untimely death, as he dreams that the night's events will set in motion a series of events that ultimately lead to his downfall.

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Q: What premonition does Romeo have before going to the ball?
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What are Romeo and his friend going to do at the ball?

romeo find rosaline romeos friend try to find someone better looking and "better for romeo

Who gatecrashes the Capulets ball?

Romeo and his friends Mercurito and Benovlio gatecrash the party because Romeo's beloved Rosaline was going to be there

Was Mercutia at the ball in Romeo and Julliet?

Mercutio was at the ball with Romeo.

Whom did romeo sopposed to meet in the ball?

Romeo was supposed to meet Rosaline at the ball, but he ends up meeting Juliet instead and falls in love with her.

Why can't Tybalt see Romeo at the ball?

Romeo is wearing a mask. It is a masked ball.

Was Mercutio at the ball in Romeo and Julliet?

Yes, Mercutio was at the ball in Romeo and Juliet. He is a close friend of Romeo and attends the Capulet's party with him.

Who recognizes romeo's voice at the ball?

Tybalt recognizes Romeo's voice at the ball in Act I scene 5 of the play Romeo and Juliet. He says, "This, by his voice, should be a Montague." He cannot see Romeo's face because he is wearing a mask.

Why is it dangerous for Romeo to go to the ball?

because Romeo is from the Montague clan and Juliet is a Capulet. And the ball will take place in the Capulet's lair.

What happened at the Capulet ball I v?

In Act I, Scene V of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and his friends crash the Capulet ball. Romeo meets Juliet and they fall in love at first sight. Tybalt recognizes Romeo and wants to fight him, but Lord Capulet stops him, not wanting trouble at the ball.

How do Romeo and Benvolio learn about the Capulet's ball?

Romeo and Benvolio learn about the Capulet's ball when they come across a servant who is struggling to read the guest list. The servant asks for their help, and in thanks, he invites them to the party.

What did Romeo and Benvolio decide to do about Capulet's ball?

Romeo and Benvolio decide that even though they are Montague's they will attend the Capulet ball because Romeo wants to see Rosaline whom he believes he is in love with.

Why was Tybalt planning to hurt romeo?

Romeo had embarrassed him by showing up at Capulet's ball.