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If you mix equal amounts of the lighter versions of all the primary colours together (such as pink, light yellow and light blue), you would get grey, the lighter version of black.

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Q: What primary colors you mix to get grey color?
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What primary colors mix to make grey?

all the primary colors together

What color can you make with pink blue and green?

Blue is one of the three primary colors. It is not possible to mix other colors to achieve a primary color. There is no combination in which you can mix grey, pink, green and brown to get a dark blue.

Why do primary colors change color?

primary colors make secondary colors you mix two primary colors to get a secondary color

What colors do you mix to make a secondary color?

two primary colors

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How much red and green do you have to mix to get yellow?

It does not matter how much red (a primary colour) and green (a secondary colour) you mix together, you will always get some variation of brown or grey. Yellow is a primary colour, that means you can not mix to get it. You can't do it. Yellow is a primay color which means that you can't mix colors to get yellow. Red is also a primary color and green is the complimentary color of red. When you mix these two colors you will get a strange shade of brown...but no yellow. Sorry.

What color do you get when you mix royal blue and grey?

Both blue and yellow are primary colors. When mixed, they produce secondary color, green; shade depends on how much blue/yellow.

What color mix into yellow?

No colors will mix together to make yellow. It is a primary color.

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What color will you get if you mix 3 primary colors?

brown i think

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What do you mix to make a secondary color?

two primary colors