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Q: What prime minister was a close ally and friend of Ronald Reagan?
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Who was the Prime Minister of the UK during the Reagan Administration?

Margaret Thatcher- she and Reagan were very close allies.

What made Ronald Reagan go to Eureka College?

He was awarded a church-sponsored scholarship to go there and it was close to home. I think his mother encouraged to go there.

What is the connection between Truman Capote and Ronald Reagan?

Details are sketchy, but Truman Capote, an openly homosexual author, screenwriter, and playright, and Ronald Reagan definitely knew each other and it appears they went to some of the same social gatherings. It is also thought that Nancy Reagan was close to Capote (friendship, not sexually). This appears to be significant due to allegations at one point that a homosexual ring was operating out of then Governor Reagan's office. Reagan denied the allegations and they were never proven, but they conflicted with Reagan's public stand toward homosexuality.

Who are President Ronald Reagan's close family members?

I have a project and i need to know who they please tell me. I need an a+ for my president report.please tell me.and i dont care.just help me. Please. =)=)=)=)

What is the value of a 1980 Ronald Reagan case pocket knife?

Many of the knives are valued in price close to $60 each. The amount will vary depending the condition that the knife is in and how it is being displayed.

Who is Walt Disney's Best friend?

I assume Ub Iwerbs was Walt's best friend as Iwerks had a close working relationship with Disney as they started an studio together that made the "Alice Comedies" and created Mickey Mouse together.

Did Ronald Reagan loss his attempt for the presidency in 1968 and 1976?

No, Ronald Reagan did not lose his attempts for the presidency in 1968 and 1976. In 1968, he ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Richard Nixon, who went on to win the presidency. In 1976, Reagan challenged incumbent President Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination but ultimately lost a close race at the party convention.

President that lived longer than any other president?

Gerald Ford. He lived to 93 years and 165 days. Ronald Reagan comes in a close second, living to 93 years and 120 days.

What was Ralph Abernathy known for?

He was a leader of the American civil rights movement, a Christian Minister and close friend of Martin Luther King

Will they assassinate President Obama?

I hope not. But someone crazy enough might. You never know. Look at how close John Hinckley got to assassinating Ronald Reagan. There may also be a violent overthrow of Communist Party-led China!

What happened to Ronald Reagan after he was president?

The eight years of Ronald Reagan's presidency, from 1981 to 1989, were a time of unparalleled prosperity for most Americans. After a brief recession in 1981 through mid-1982, the Carter-era inflation rate was cut substantially. On the day of Reagan's inauguration, the Iranian revolutionary regime, that had been holding American diplomats hostage for a year and a half, released their hostages. The American arms buildup was so rapid that the Soviet Union came close to collapse trying to keep up, and the USSR did disintegrate two years after Reagan left office.

What has the author Ronald D Rees written?

Ronald D. Rees has written: 'Close quarters'