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Q: What principal of democracy does the government described in the passage most directly represented?
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What principal of government established a government in which the people rule?

Democracy, popular sovereignty.

What are some characteristics of the Australian government?

The Australian government is based on the principal of democracy having a Federal Government over its states. Like the United States they also have a system where the power is separated to ensure everything remains in balance.

Who established the principal of limited government?

The principal of limited government is a characteristic of a Republic form of government setup by the founding fathers for the United States.

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What is the idea that government officials are not above the law is an example of which constitutional principal?

limited government

The principal of mutual military assistance is called?

The principal is this: They side with our government, in return for military aid (Mutual Aid).

What ethical perspective is described by which choices are based on beliefs recognized by a group as authoritative or normative?

Principal Based

How can you find a orbitals principal energy level?

The orbital will be described with a number, followed by a letter, which may have a suffix. The number is the principal energy level. For example 2p, principal energy level 2; 5d principal energy level 5; 1s principal energy level 1.

What type of representation is described when constituents have the power to hire and fire their representative?

A republican democracy is based on its constituent citizens electing representatives to assert their political will (and thus sovereignty). Ideally through this principal, the citizenry as voters can elect and remove those contrary to the popular will, and install those who comply with their mandate.

Why is Saudi Arabia not considered to be a democracy?

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Voting only occurs for municipal offices. All state-level and national offices are directly appointed by the King of Saudi Arabia and his advisers (who are themselves appointed by the King). In order to be a democracy, you need elections for all or most principal offices of government; Saudi Arabia lacks this.

What is vertical decentralization?

In vertical decentralization, the central government is the principal, the local government is the agent. In horizontal decentralization, the community is the principal, the local government is the agent.