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DNA replication or the translation/transcription process begins when a Helicase moves down a DNA strand and unzips it to allow for replication.

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Q: What process begins when DNA unzips?
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What enzyme unzips the DNA double helix?

The enzyme Helicase unzips the DNA double helix

What is an example of a biological enzyme?

DNA helicase. This is the enzyme that "unzips" DNA.

When DNA unwinds unzips and pairs up to form 2 identical strands of DNA?

This occurs during the process of DNA replication

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What unzips the DNA molecule so it can replicate?


What unzips DNA so it can duplicate?

Helicase enzymes

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Replication begins when an enzyme called DNA helicase attaches to a DNA molecule, moves along the molecule, and "unzips" the two strands of DNA.

How does DNA reproduce itself?

DNA reproduces through a set process that begins when it unzips and uncoils. Next, two polynucleotide chains are produced and adenine lines up with thymine. Cytosine lines up with guanine, and then hydrogen bonds form between the pairs. Enzymes join the nucleotides together, and two new DNA molecules are formed.

Ribosomes in protein synthesis?

Ribosomal RNA is involved in protein synthesis, from memory, it unzips the DNA helix and transcription begins. the questions needs to be more specific =\

Is DNA oxidase responsible for replication of DNA?

No, at least not on its own. There are at least 32 (there may be more undiscovered that have more minor rolls in the process) different enzymes that are part of the DNA replication process. For example, DNA helicase "unzips" the DNA strand. There are also enzymes that prime it, copy, fix errors, etc.

What is the function of DNA helicare in DNA replication?

DNA Helicase unwinds and unzips the DNA. It separates the two strands of DNA so DNA replication can occur.

What is the process by which a cell makes a copy in meiosis?

Before meiosis begins, the cell copies its DNA in the process of DNA replication.