

How does DNA reproduce itself?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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9y ago

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DNA reproduces through a set process that begins when it unzips and uncoils. Next, two polynucleotide chains are produced and adenine lines up with thymine. Cytosine lines up with guanine, and then hydrogen bonds form between the pairs. Enzymes join the nucleotides together, and two new DNA molecules are formed.

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What is the process when DNA reproduce itself?

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Is it you or your DNA that reproduces?

You reproduce, but your DNA replicates. DNA is constantly being copied in your cells - when cells divide, the new cells contain DNA which was synthesized in the original cell. When you reproduce, it is your DNA (genes) which you pass on to your offspring. Without DNA, you would not be able to reproduce. One half of your chromosomes (23 chromosomes) are contained in the gamete (sex cell) that you provide for sexual reproduction. These chromosomes are passed on to your offspring when you reproduce.

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