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respiration and microbial degradation of organic matter

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Q: What process changes complex molecules into simple molecules?
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What changes complex molecules into simple molecules?

respiration and microbial degradation of organic matter

The chemical process by which complex molecules of protein are made from simple molecules is called?

protein synthesis through the process of RNA coding for particular amino acids

What is the process of joining simple sugars into complex carbohydrates called?

I'm not aware of a specific name for simple sugar->complex carbohydrate conversion. But I know that it is a form of condensation polymerisation - when water is removed from the sugar molecules they join together to fill up vacant chemical bondsS. Syhnthesis Hydration is the process in which a water molecule is removed from two sugar molecules to bond into one complex molecule. The opposite of this process would be called Hydrolisis which would be when water molecules would be added to a complex molecule to create two simple sugar molecules.

What is the process by which simple molecules combine chemically to form more complex molecules is?

Condensation Reaction.

What is the difference between anabolic and catabolic?

Catabolism is breaking down process or degradation phase. It happens when you are sick or fasting (not eating). Anabolism is biosynthesis process or reduction phase like making protein from amino acids.

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What is the process of breaking larger molecules into smaller molecules called?

The process of breaking down complex food material and converting it into simple organic form is called digestion.

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What is the process of breaking down food into molecules the body can use called?

The process of breaking down complex food material and converting it into simple organic form is called digestion.

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complex molecules are broken down into simple ones

Simple molecules are further broken down in cells in a process called?

Simple molecules are further broken down in cells in a process called catabolism.

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