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Q: What process does water use to move across the plasma?
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What is the process that utilizes a carrier to move materials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration gradient that does not use ATP?

Active Transport

What is the process that utilizes a carrier to move marerials across the plasma membrane in the direction of the concentration?

Diffusion is what carries materials across the plasma membrane. The diffusion cannot be moved across water.

What is a transport process by which gases move through a membrane?

Simple Diffusion

Active transport requires what?

Energy-requiring process by which substances move across the plasma membrane against a concentration gradient.

The process that utilizes a transporter to move materials across the plasma membrane against the concertration gradient using ATP?


A non-energy requiring process that moves materials across a cell membrane with the concentration gradient.?

The process of moving materials across the cell membrane without the expenditure of energy is called passive transfer

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Large molecules are transported across a cell membrane by the process of process of exocytosis. This is when secretory vesicles secretes large molecules by the fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane.

How does lipid soluble move across the plasma membrane?

by dissolving in the lipid bilayer.

What is the name of the process where materials are moved across a cell membrane?

Active transport.The energy is provided by a high-energy molecule, often ATP.Active transport is used to move a substance against (= up) its concentration gradient.Diffusion is what moves across the plasma membrane. This cannot move across water.

Which molecules need facilitated diffusion. to move across the plasma?

The Glucose and the Amino Acids.

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What process move water into the air

By which process does glucose move into red blood cells from the plasma?

Facilitated Diffusion