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Q: What process uses mRNA as a template to make proteins?
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What ribosomes use to make proteins?

They use mRNA and in a process called Translation

What do ribosome use to make proteins?

They use mRNA and in a process called Translation

What does reverse transcriptase use from DNA?

Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

What are the functions of the proteins that mRNA help?

Messenger RNA carries the genetic information for transcribing proteins from genes. mRNA interacts with ribosomes and tRNAs to polymerize amino acids. mRNA doesn't exactly help proteins but is closely associated with proteins in the ribosome and the proteins that it synthesizes.

What is it called when making a protein is made using mRNA?

The production of proteins is called protein synthesis. This is further divided into transcription, which creates mRNA from template DNA, and translation, which uses the code of mRNA to make polypeptides.

What is the name of of the process that convert the information to messenger rna and what does it make up?

mRNA is synthesized from a DNA template during transcription

How do cells make protein?

in a process called transcription!!! Before this, an mRNA is created using DNA template. This process is known as transcription. The mRNA then goes and binds to the two parts of ribosome, tRNA, and transcription allows the amino acids made in this process to bind to each other to form proteins, which can go through additional configurations in order to be active.

What unwinds a segment of DNA to make mRNA?

an enzyme (i answered my own question ha ha! progress!)

What two processes make proteins?

Transcription (from DNA to mRNA) and Translation (ffrom mRNA to proteins).

Is used as a template to make protein?

In the process known as translation proteins are formed in the ribosome when messanger RNA travels through it. This process is predetermined and initiated by a specific sequences of bases. Granular Endoplasmic Reticulum are where these many ribosomes are attactched.

In the central theory of genes expression what is the process that uses mRNA and amino acids to make proteins called?


What are linked to make proteins as a moves along the mRNA transcript?

Amino acids are linked to make proteins as a ribosome moves along the mRNA transcript.