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um, breathing

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Q: What process would give an organism oxygen?
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Related questions

What give off oxygen to the atmosphere?

the process of photosynthesis

What does the process of photosynthesis give to animals like humans?


What is the name of the process that will take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen?

oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle

Why do plants give out carbon dioxide in the dark and oxygen in the light and can this reduce oxygen in the bedroom at night?

Simple answer is, plants breath like any other organism, by day they give out oxygen and at night give out carbon dioxide, ie humans breath in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide

What gas does plants give off in the light?

Plants produce oxygen when exposed to light. They do this by the process of photosynthesis. The oxygen comes from the splitting of water molecules to produce hydrogen ions and the oxygen is expelled as a waste product.

How are water plants important to animals living in the pond?

Plants give out oxygen which the organism in the pond needs

Can animals produce oxygen?

No. Animals do not give plants oxygen. Plants release oxygen as a byproduct of the photosynthesis process by which they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Animals and humans give plants carbon dioxide.

What gas do trees give rabbits?

Oxygen is a gas. Trees don't give only rabbits oxygen, they give everyone oxygen. Without oxygen, we would die.

What is fermentation and give some example?

Fermentation is a energy releasing process that does not requie oxygen A example would be lighting/yeast/bread/etc.

How is a nutrient cycle different from a energy pyramid?

It all depends on the plants because plants give off energy to a organism and then that organism gives it to another organism and the process continues.

What Process that puts oxygen into air?

plants give off oxygen and so do animals and that's how it gets in the air

What allows the earth to support amimal life?

Trees, because they give off oxygen. Every organism (living thing) needs oxygen to breathe obviously.