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Aside from being present in tobacco products, nicotine is also added to several other products, including pesticides, nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine patches and gums), and liquids for use in electronic cigarettes.

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Q: What products contain nicotine?
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Related questions

How is nicotine advertised?

Nicotine found in tobacco is not advertised; the nicotine occurs naturally within the tobacco plant and is responsible for the addictive nature of cigarettes. However, nicotine is advertised commonly for smoking cessation. Products such as Nicoderm and Nicorette contain nicotine and can be used to wean people off smoking products.

What other products contain nicotine beside cigaretts?

Chewing tobacco and tobacco you put under your lip, cigarettes, nicotine patches and nicotine gum. But what's funny is, is that these products (except the patches and gum) contain a larger amount of other chemicals and deadly things than nicotine. For example ammoniac is used to make you even more addicted. And the stuff they put in window cleaner spray bottles is also in there.

Does shisha the tobacco have any psychoactive molecules in it?

All tobacco products contain nicotine, which is a psychoactive drug.

Do irritants and carcinogens contain nicotine?

No, Nicotine is a carcinogen.

What things to do to get cotinine out of urine?

Quit smoking and / or using products that contain nicotine.

Does pure nicotine contain carbon monoxide?

Pure nicotine doesn't contain carbon monoxide.

Does Djarum Black Cigars contain nicotine?

Yes, seeing as how they contain tobacco....

Does drugs contain nicotine?

Nicotine is a drug in itself. So anything containing nicotine is a drug.

How much nicotine in Cheyenne cigars?

Yes, all tobacco products contain nicotine. However, the amount can deteriorate depending on how long the cigars have aged.

Does barbecue contain nicotine?

well depending on what barbecue you have... if you light it with a lighting torch it is full of gas... if you light it with a match it contains nicotine! so gas barbecues contain nicotine ! =)

Does alcohol contain nicotine?


Do zig zag blunt wraps have nicotine in them?

Does zigzag blunt wraps contain nicotine.