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Q: What products did Gandhi boycott?
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How many times did Gandhi boycott British goods?

a whole bunch.

How did Gandhi use the tactic of a boycott to further his objectives?

Get your own salt from the ocean

When did the colonists boycott English products What happened as a consequence of the boycott?

they got on with there lives and died

Why Gandhi stopped wearing suits and ties?

because he wanted to boycott foreign- made cloths

What did Gandhi Boycott?

Imported cloth, he wanted people to spin their own in an effort to become less dependent on imports.

Why did Gandhi change the way he dresses?

He wanted to boycott against British cloth, so he made homemade clothing.

An organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products?


Did Jews boycott German products?

There was talk of boycotts, but little action.

How do you use the word boycott in a sentence?

Barbara decided to boycott the company because it tests its products on animals. Some other words for boycott are shut out, blacklist, spurn, reject, and cut off.

What is the impact of the Montgomery bus boycott compared to?

The question is too vague to answer with certainty, but some people compared it to Gandhi's rice walk.

What three people have used the word boycott effectively?

I'm going to have to say Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Nelson Mandela

What were two effects of Gandhi's use of civil disobedience?

The Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Under this pact, Gandhi stopped the civil disobedience protests, and Lord Irwin gave India a representative in Congress at the Round Table in London. Gandhi was an example for many people and events to come. Martin Luther King Jr. followed Gandhi's principal of peace for justice in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.