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Q: What program requires that you can change you screen size on a computer?
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magnify glass
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A program requires that you change your screen size from 1024 X 728 to 800 X 600. Where would you make this change?

Don’t know

What is a monitor program in a computer?

the screen

A program requires that you change the screen size from 1024 x 728 x 800 x 600 where?

Don’t know

How do you film your computer screen?

Download and run a screencasting program.

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Where in your computer can you change the screen size?

Go to settings and personalize your computer.

When a computer screen changes is it a physical or chemical change?

A physical change

When you try to go from full screen to small screen your computer looses its picture?

I want to the change i am thinking atometik change.

Why there is a need to change the old computer screen to and led screen?

Yes because then it is a lot clearer

What kind of a computer is a magnifier?

A magnifier is not a kind of computer. A screen magnifier is a device which attaches over the monitor screen. Alternatively, the Windows program has a piece of software known as Magnifier which enlarges the part of the screen where the mouse is located.

What is a tiny picture on a computer screen?

Each picture on a computer is made out of pixels that appear on your computer. Tiny pictures could be avatars or program shortcuts.

Ho do i install software from a flash drive to computer?

If you have a mouse, you can right click the mouse and drag the flash drive from the flash drive icon to the computer screen or to a folder on your computer. You can also do copy and paste. If it is an install of a program, you can click on the program that downloads the installation program and tell it where on the computer you want the program installed.