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Some problems that weakened the Inca Empire were internal civil wars over succession, a smallpox epidemic that devastated the population, and a lack of immunity to European diseases brought by the Spanish. Additionally, the empire's vast size made it difficult to govern effectively and respond quickly to external threats.

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Q: What promblems in the Inca empire weakened the Incas for spanish conquest?
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What does atanualpa mean?

Atahualpa was the last Inca emperor of the Inca Empire in Peru before the Spanish conquest. He was captured by the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and executed in 1533.

What did the spanish use captive africans for?

The Spanish used captive Africans for forced labor in their colonies, primarily in agriculture, mining, and domestic service. Africans were also used as slaves to generate wealth and resources for the Spanish Empire.

Why did the spanish intervene in haiti?

Answer this question… They wanted to control all of the island of Hispaniola.

How did expansion of Spanish empire affect demographic in Latin America?

The expansion of the Spanish empire in Latin America led to significant demographic changes due to a mix of factors, including intermarriage between Europeans, Indigenous peoples, and Africans, as well as the arrival of new diseases that caused widespread population decline among Indigenous communities. The introduction of African slaves further altered the demographic makeup of the region as they were brought over to work in various industries, leading to a diverse population with complex social hierarchies.

How did the Spanish hope to get rich by the forced labor of Indians and Africans?

The Spanish hoped to get rich by exploiting the labor of indigenous people and Africans to work in mines and plantations. They forced them to work long hours under harsh conditions, extracting valuable resources like gold, silver, and sugar that could be sold for profit. This system of forced labor, known as the encomienda and later the hacienda system, enabled the Spanish to amass wealth and build their empire in the Americas.

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What problem in the Inca empire weakened the Incas for Spanish conquest?

Seven years before 1532, the eleventh Inca, Huayna Capac, died without naming a successor. Two of his sons, Huascar and Atahualpa, fought over which one should be the next Inca. After a long bloody war, Atahualpa claimed victory. This conflict weakened the Inca Empire just as Francisco Pizarro arrived.

Who led the conquest of the Inca empire?

Francisco Pizarro was the Spanish Conquistador who overthrew the Inca Empire. The Spanish conquest of Inca Empire was an important campaign in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.Spanish soldiers, under the command of Francisco Pizarro, conquered the Incas after a victories battle, known as the Battle of Cajamarca in 1532. After decades, the fighting ended in Spanish victory and the conquest of the Inca Empire.

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